Thanks to all those who helped out at the latest fin clipping day on Saturday 20th April. The weather behaved and a good day was had by all. We managed 12,400 smolt and these will be held at the hatchery for a short period prior to release back to the Rangitata river once conditions allow. Fin clipping is a necessary part of our operation that identifies the difference between hatchery reared fish and wild sea run salmon.
As part of the Winnemem Wintu project to return some salmon eggs from NZ to California, a project has started to check NZ Salmon for pathogens which might be present in any salmon eggs that might be transferred to Salmon species in North America. Fisheries scientists, local Iwi, members of the tribe and Fish and Game have been sampling spent female fish, that have spawned, up in the headwaters of the Rakaia, Rangitata and Waitaki rivers. Volunteers from the hatchery have also been helping with the project. Results will be published once all the data is in. It is unlikely that permission would be granted to transfer eggs should there be even a remote chance that pathogens would be introduced to northern hemisphere salmon. Click images to enlarge.
On 6th April, Phil and Alan hosted a group of 1st Nation people from the Winnemem Wintu tribe in California at the hatchery along with local IWI folk, DOC staff, Fish and Game, and land owners. The group came out to the hatchery to familiarize themselves with the operation and to study the native plantings that have taken place in the area to improve the environment for plants and aquatic animals and fish. Both the local IWI and the tribe planted a couple of trees, Kahikatea, to symbolize their connections to the environment and to each other. The tribe are over here in NZ as part of their quest to return some salmon eggs back to their local river in California to start up their own salmon run which has been decimated due to river dams.
A small ceremony was held at the CSI Fish and Game office in Temuka at the end of March to thank Mark Webb for his service to the McKinnons Creek hatchery and to present him with a small trophy in appreciation of the work he has done on the project. We are sure that the hatchery would not have got of the ground if it wasn't for Mark's efforts with consents, advice, SOPs etc. We hope you have a great retirement Mark. All the best from the hatchery crew.
October 2024
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