The Hatchery group (Salmon and Riparian Support Trust) will have its AGM on Wednesday 20th July at 7.00pm at CSI Fish and Game rooms in Temuka. Come along and get the latest about the hatchery.
The first 4 trays of eggs that were put down on the 3rd of May were starting to hatch on the 14th June. These were from unclipped salmon that returned to the hatchery and were either wild strays or were hatched in McKinnon's creek itself. These number about 4500 and some of this group will be kept for brood stock for the future.
As of 22nd May, 5 out of the 6 incubator stacks have eggs hatching out. There have bee some mortality in the eggs but not unexpected numbers and not significant. We expect more than 100,000 fish to survive. Filtering the creek water through the shed and still keeping a good flow is still a challenge and the amount of silt going through is an eternal problem. The egg pickers have done a great job. Next year's 3 year old brood stock were transferred to the North race after it was cleaned out and some maintenance carried out. Hatchery volunteer John Manning built a new stainless steel screen which was installed and will be a big help separating age groups. Thanks go to all those volunteers who helped over the last year. Click photos to enlarge. |
October 2024
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